Singing with the Dead: The Harpist’s Song in the New Kingdom

On June 15th, Huw Twiston Davies, lecturer in Egyptology at Manchester University, took us on a journey back to Ancient Egypt. He  conjured up for us a land filled with dancing, noise and music, as he traced musical scenes on tomb walls and explained the significance of harpists and accompanying songs from their earliest days […]

Review of Christiane’s lecture on the goddess Neith – Sun 14th May

A statuette of Neith from the Late Period (Wikimedia, Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Members’ regular online Zoom talks are a very enjoyable and informal way to find out more about aspects of life in Ancient Egypt. In May Christiane Cartwright gave us an insight into the magical world of the fearsome and powerful goddess Neith, and the real-life Egyptian queens who took her name. We found out that […]