Egyptian Mathematics from the time of the Pharaohs.

Hapy member and former Maths teacher Tony Watson takes us on a tour of Egyptian numbers and the principles of Egyptian mathematics. Covering the discovery of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, an invaluable source of information on the subject, Tony explains what the Egyptians used Maths for: sharing out provisions, land and resources, building granaries and, […]

Singing with the Dead: The Harpist’s Song in the New Kingdom

On June 15th, Huw Twiston Davies, lecturer in Egyptology at Manchester University, took us on a journey back to Ancient Egypt. He  conjured up for us a land filled with dancing, noise and music, as he traced musical scenes on tomb walls and explained the significance of harpists and accompanying songs from their earliest days […]

Baboons in Ancient Egyptian Art and Religion

On the 14th May 2024 , Diana Hayden, one of our members, gave a fascinating talk, online, to the Society’s Members. Our thanks to Diana for sharing with us a really interesting talk with dozens of wonderful images from the whole breadth of Ancient Egyptian culture. She traced the importance of the baboon back to […]

Ian Trumble – Threads through time: Textiles and Beliefs in Ancient Egypt

This was Ian’s second visit to the Hapy Society and this time he was really focusing on what makes Bolton Museum famous – it’s huge collection of Egyptian textiles. Surprisingly, perhaps, the textile collection at the Bolton Museum is recognised as the best collection in the world, outside Egypt! We are therefore very fortunate to […]

Petrie Museum Visit – 1st May 2024

Having first assembled at the Friends House cafe (I highly recommended it) the Petrie Museum was but a short walk away. There we were met by a young lady called Uzma Haque, who was to be our very well-informed guide on a tour specially laid on for us. What was particularly fascinating about this collection […]

Review of Christiane’s lecture on the goddess Neith – Sun 14th May

A statuette of Neith from the Late Period (Wikimedia, Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Members’ regular online Zoom talks are a very enjoyable and informal way to find out more about aspects of life in Ancient Egypt. In May Christiane Cartwright gave us an insight into the magical world of the fearsome and powerful goddess Neith, and the real-life Egyptian queens who took her name. We found out that […]

Review of Bolton Museum Visit – Wed 28th June

What an impressive collection and thoughtful presentation of ancient Egyptian artefacts!During our visit, Ian Trumble, the Curator for Archaeology, Egyptology and World Cultures at Bolton Museum took the group around the exhibition on an impressive tour through history. We learned about the close connection between Bolton and excavations in Egypt in the 19th and 20th […]